Once you have an eCommerce store set up, you want to spread the word about your business, your online presence and your products. Utilizing the services of digital marketing will allow you to get the message out and draw in potential customers.

But what can you say that will draw customers and boost your sales? Here are a few things you can do that will help your eCommerce store stand out and be even more attractive to prospective customers through digital marketing.

Reducing Abandoned Carts – A common practice of online shoppers is to start adding items to their cart only to get distracted with something else and ultimately leave the website. Using an abandoned cart strategy can help these shoppers remain engaged. If you have a customer’s email, send them a reminder to complete their order and offer them a discount or coupon code as a courtesy. You can also have your website prompt customers with a “don’t leave” message to entice them to complete the purchase now instead of later.

Quality Keywords – SEO is obviously important to every website and the digital marketing process, especially in the eCommerce industry. In many cases, businesses will set up a strategy that involves a high number of keywords. It is important to remember quality, not quantity, when it comes to keywords. Having a large number of keywords doesn’t make an impact on your website’s performance if they are not ranking. Instead of creating a massive list of keywords and trying to rank them all, research the most popular search terms for your business and focus on these targeted terms.

Competitive Pricing – Competing with other direct-to-consumer marketplaces can be difficult when it comes to planning a pricing strategy. Research some pricing comparisons so that you are staying within relative pricing. You can also use flash sales to drive customers to your eCommerce site. From there, focus on turning new customers into long-term customers by maintaining relative pricing and sticking to your strategy.

Value Your Customers – There are more ways to provide value than just in your pricing strategy. While it is certainly important to show value through discounts, special offers and sales, it is equally as important to showcase the value of customer service, special products, newsletters, loyalty programs, interactions, and any personalization that can be offered for products. The best brands value these things as much as their pricing model.

Conversion Funnel Leaks – Consider the customer’s purchasing experience. Are there a number of steps in completing a transaction that can be eliminated? For example, eliminating the need to fill out a form for both billing and shipping information or requiring an account to complete a purchase are two things that can be adjusted. Removing non-required fields from forms can speed up the process and allowing potential customers to use a guest account to check out also goes a long way.

Embrace Global Promotional Calendars – Every business owner probably knows the impact that local holidays can have on the economy and business. But what about the impact of holidays from a global standpoint? On one hand, recognizing global holidays that may not be native to the United States shows value in the way a brand is embracing global culture. Additionally, there are consumers in other countries that may view a US website expecting to receive the same kind of sales and deals that shoppers come to expect on major shopping days like Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Stay up to date on all of the latest eCommerce news, trends and updates with the experts at Genius eCommerce. Our goal is to keep you informed on everything in the eCommerce industry.