Optimizing your eCommerce website for the search engines can be tricky business, especially if you don’t have extensive experience when it comes to SEO. To actually get results, you need to perform the necessary keyword research and have a sound content strategy in mind, and that’s just for starters.
What can a Shopify SEO expert do for you? For one, they can demystify the search engine optimization process and help you finally get traction when it comes to ranking for certain keywords. A professional eCommerce SEO agency will have the knowledge and the tools to enhance your Shopify store and push it to new heights.
If you have been thinking about investing in SEO services for your Shopify website and wonder if it’s truly worth it, the following guide will help clear the air and show you just how important it is that your SEO is handled properly. This is not an area of your business that you want to leave to chance or skimp on.
The Complexities of eCommerce SEO Require a Professional Touch
There’s a good chance that at one point or another, you have considered working on your Shopify SEO without any help from an agency or professional. How difficult could it be, right? All you have to do is select a few keywords, pepper them into your page titles and blogs, find a few local backlink sites, and bam, page one results.
Not quite.
This old way of viewing SEO used to work over a decade ago for many websites, but those days are long gone. As Google has updated its algorithm and as competition has burgeoned, it has become absolutely necessary to take SEO far more seriously in terms of strategy, work, and time investment.
These days, it’s all about the user experience, domain authority, and proper technical signals that determine whether or not a website is worthy enough to rank on page one. Google wants to see that your Shopify store meets certain criteria, that it is regularly updated and that it is actually providing users with a professional experience. If you have a clunky store and a poor keyword strategy, the chances of you landing on page one is scant at best.
To get the kind of results you are looking for, it’s essential that you look into hiring a professional SEO agency that has a background in eCommerce. This is the only way you can be sure that all aspects of your SEO are being taken care of.
10 Reasons You Need a Shopify SEO Expert
There are many reasons why you would want to hire a professional to manage your Shopify SEO campaign. Below we have highlighted 10 of the key reasons that stand out, and which you absolutely need to pay attention to if you intend on succeeding with your online store.
1. Increase Traffic to Your Store
Traffic is perhaps the biggest reason to hire a Shopify SEO expert. Many online businesses struggle to get an adequate amount of traffic, and it’s usually because they are buried in the Google search results. Unless you have a comprehensive digital marketing strategy in place for your Shopify website, chances are page one results will elude you.
2. Target Better Keywords
A skilled agency that understands current SEO trends and what your store really needs may be able to unearth better keywords to target, which may lead to faster rankings and a stronger foundation for your website. SEO experts know how to perform proper keyword research, which often results in finding high-quality longtail keywords that can be utilized to lay the groundwork for higher volume keywords down the road.
3. Improve Your Brand Authority
One of the side-effects of good SEO is higher brand awareness. By appearing in more searches, more users naturally will learn about your brand. Half of sales is relevance and recognition. Even if a user doesn’t purchase something from your website today, the fact that your website popped up will keep you in the back of their mind, and may result in a purchase sometime down the line.
4. Widen Your Audience
Riding off of the increase in brand authority is the natural broadening of your audience. Shopify SEO experts can help expand your reach on Google and target new groups of users you may not have even realized were interested in your products, or who you simply weren’t targeting properly based on your old ways of doing SEO.
5. Up Your Conversions
Traffic is important, but it doesn’t mean anything unless it’s resulting in actual sales. SEO professionals know how to target keywords that don’t simply generate traffic, but also help users convert as well. This improved keyword strategy, coupled with the proper technical SEO updates for your Shopify store, can often result in a natural increase in conversions over time.
6. Streamline Your Website
User experience has become one of the most important aspects of SEO. It doesn’t matter whether you are running a simple blog or a massive eCommerce site, it has to provide a professional experience if you want Google to take you seriously. That being said, a well-implemented SEO campaign can improve the user flow of your website, enabling shoppers to navigate quicker and find what they are looking for. This signals to Google that your website is worth ranking.
7. Make Improvements to Your Business
Driving traffic and conversions is the backbone of digital marketing, but you can’t ignore the residual effects of what quality SEO services can do for your business as a whole. When you take all of this into account, including better brand appeal, a more helpful online store, and more domain authority from backlinks, this will go a long way toward improving your eCommerce business on a larger scale.
8. Save Time
A pain point for many store owners is a lack of time. If you aren’t trying to micro-manage your own SEO, this can help free you up to focus on more important things. A professional SEO campaign can actually save your entire business operation time, which is your most valuable asset.
9. Save Money
By proxy, if you are saving time you are likely saving money as well. In the long run, a sound SEO strategy will pay for itself. The increase in traffic and conversions will eventually make your entire business more profitable, while freeing you up to work on other parts of your store that may need more attention. The result is more resources that you can allocate elsewhere instead of wasting time trying to manage SEO by yourself.
10. Pave the Way For PPC
Finally, with the right optimizations in place, you will be able to get more out of any PPC or social media advertising you are using. A better-optimized website will always get more conversions and be favored by Google, Bing, and other platforms over unoptimized sites.
Improve Your Online Store With Shopify SEO Services
It no longer matters how old your website is or how popular your products are. Google wants to see relevant keywords, professional technical optimizations, plenty of high-quality backlinks, and that users are actually sticking on your website and converting.
Unless you intend on becoming a one-person marketing agency, you need the help of veteran Shopify SEO experts that can construct a rock-solid strategy for you, so you can enjoy more organic traffic, better brand recognition, and higher conversion rates.
If this sounds like the direction you want to take for your Shopify store, get in touch with one of our SEO professionals by calling 888.982.8269.