One of the ten commandments of PPC: Thou Shalt Only Show Ads to Qualified Traffic. Search ads have keywords to keep them relevant. When keywords are well researched and smartly bid on, your search ads should only show to people who have some likelihood of purchasing your product.  Display ads have audiences. Setting your audiences is how you decide who will see your remarketing ads. If you set them up wisely, you can potentially make big ROI on relatively low cost per click campaigns. Today on The PPC Guidebook, we’ll be going through how to create an audience for a remarketing campaign.

In case you’re not already familiar, the display network is used for remarketing, which shows targeted ads to visitors who have been to your site before. This helps your store stay in a customer’s head, and hopefully, causes them to come back and make a purchase. But not all website visitors should be marketed to in the same way. The more targeted your messaging, the more effective it will be. That’s where audiences come in.  They allow you to sort your visitors into groups that make them easier to target. So let’s start setting up our remarketing audiences!


Setting up Your Remarketing Audiences

The first thing to do is click on the tool menu and select your Audience Manager.

How to Create an Audience For a Remarketing Campaign

My audiences are all targeting website visitors. They are set up so that I remarket to my visitors based on the platform they were interested in when they visited the site. To create a new one you go into audience lists and start with the type of user you want to target. Since all I target is website visitors I’m going to keep doing that.

How to Create an Audience For a Remarketing Campaign

Give your new audience a name, and then select the type of visitors you want to target. For my marketing campaign, I’m going after people interested in 3DCart. So I might set those two URLs as my 3DCart Development Page and my 3DCart Marketing Page. I could choose to go after people who visit either or both of those pages. When someone meets these conditions that you set, their IP address will be added to your remarketing list and they’ll be served the display add that you designate for this campaign

How to Create an Audience For a Remarketing Campaign

Next, you set how many people you want to see the add by setting a List Size and a Membership Duration. Similar to the way that we only want qualified traffic to see our ads, you can control your ad spend in another way by using these to limit the number of visitors that can be added to this list, and thus, the number of times your ad will be served. Then you finish up by clicking Create Audience.  

How to Create an Audience For a Remarketing Campaign

That’s how to create an audience for a remarketing campaign. Feel free to create as many custom audiences as you like. The more specific your marketing is, the more effective it will be in the long run. You can also A/B test audience settings against one another until you find the combination that work just right for your PPC campaign. Until next time on The PPC Guidebook, keep your marketing precise, and happy bidding!