If you want your online store to grow, you need to pay close attention to your marketing efforts. For Volusion store owners who are seeing low traffic and lagging sales, a proper digital marketing strategy may be necessary in order to right the ship and start trending in a positive direction.
Volusion marketing can help improve your rankings in Google, generate more traffic, and will strengthen your brand image. To get the best results however, the marketing tactics that you employ must be done correctly as a part of a comprehensive campaign, otherwise it will be difficult to make any headway.
The following guide will cover some of the most important best practices that you should be following in order to build an effective eCommerce marketing strategy for your online business. We will help you understand what areas of digital marketing you need to cover in order to grow, as well as what kinds of results you can expect if your campaign is executed correctly.
The Benefits of Volusion Marketing
No Volusion site would be complete without a powerful digital marketing strategy to back it up. It’s easy to assume that just because you launched your store on a reliable eCommerce platform and that you have great quality products, that the traffic and sales will roll in on their own. If you manage any kind of business, you need to get the word out to prospective customers somehow.

If you want people to find your Volusion store and purchase your products, you need a powerful marketing strategy.
Nowhere is this more accurate than in the eCommerce sphere. With ample competition and higher customer expectations than ever before, store owners need to be aware that in order to grow, you need to take your marketing strategy seriously and invest the appropriate amount of time, energy, and resources. There’s simply too many solid options out there, including giants like Amazon, to rest on your laurels and let fate decide how well your store performs.
What are the benefits of proper Volusion marketing? You can expect higher volumes of traffic, better-converting traffic, as well as an increase in sales. Of course, results vary significantly from one business to another, but the ultimate goal of any digital marketing campaign is to increase traffic and sales. That’s what you are aiming for and working toward.
There are several other benefits to running an effective marketing campaign however that extends beyond simple traffic and more sales. These are important, of course, but by no means are they the end all be all if you are trying to build a brand and establish yourself in a certain industry.
One area that digital marketing can help with is in your branding. Getting your store out there in front of more eyes, visibility on Google and social media platforms, opening channels of communication with potential and returning customers, building a following or fanbase. For the long-term success of your business, especially given how competitive things are online, you need to think about your brand image and how users perceive your store.
If you want to grow your Volusion store, the best thing you can do is invest in your digital marketing and make sure that you are following best practices so that your efforts won’t flounder. We’ve put together some of the key points you want to tackle if you intend on putting together a winning strategy, which you will find below.
Building a Marketing Strategy For Your Volusion Store
Volusion as an eCommerce platform has been around for years and still stands as one of the best options in terms of building a slick and user-friendly online store that will meet your needs. With great features such as an intuitive page editor, plenty of themes, abandoned cart reports, fast and secure hosting, and strong third-party integrations, you have the foundation in order to create a professional experience for shoppers.
This is only the first step to creating a successful eCommerce business however. To truly make your mark, you need to get the word out there and promote your brand and your products with an effective Volusion marketing strategy.
You may have some experience with search engine optimization, social media promotions, paid advertising, and email marketing, but are lost when it comes to getting the proper results and putting everything together into a coherent and effective campaign. Don’t feel singled out, digital marketing has become increasingly complex and now encompasses dozens of different tools and systems that all need the right amount of skill and attention to operate properly.
Even once simple tasks like ranking higher in Google now require several on-site optimizations and an ongoing strategy that includes informative content creation, backlinks, and more. When it comes to competing and getting your share of the traffic online, it’s not going to come easy, but by following these best practices, you will stand a much better chance of experiencing growth.
Volusion SEO Fundamentals
The foundation of any reliable digital marketing strategy should always include a strong search engine optimization campaign. It is true that Volusion stores are SEO-friendly right out of the gate, in order to take advantage of this fact you still need to put in the work.
One of the biggest misconceptions in the digital marketing world is that there are magic plugins, templates, themes, platforms, and apps that can somehow do your SEO for you. While there are certain add-ons and templates that can help lay the groundwork for easier SEO implementation and guide you toward creating better content, for instance, there are no quick solutions when it comes to ranking higher in Google.
If you don’t know where to begin with your search engine optimization strategy, start by taking care of the following:
- Make sure your Volusion website is built on a well-coded theme
- Every page on your site needs an optimized meta title and description
- Even if you are an eCommerce-focused business, you still need a blog
- Streamline your navigation so that it isn’t confusing for users
- Make your website easy to understand and professional looking
- Ensure that your product pages include robust descriptions that include keywords and key phrases related to the product.
- Reduce “fluff” words in the URL of your products. Make your URLs clean and readable.
- Flesh out your website with informative content that is valuable to your audience.
- Hide or remove empty category pages.
- Make content that is sharable so that users feel comfortable spreading your website around on social media.
This may seem like a lot of work, and it is. A skilled Volusion SEO agency would be able to take all of these tasks off of your plate and implement them correctly so that you stand the best chance of getting the kind of results you want.

Volusion has several premium themes that provide store owners with fully functional store fronts. However, these themes are only the foundation, you still need to optimize your site for SEO.
What complicates the matter is that this is only one aspect of proper eCommerce SEO, which is one reason why so many store owners opt to invest in a professional agency to handle these matters for them. To properly increase your standing in Google, you need to perform meticulous keyword research that unveils valuable ranking opportunities for your website. You also need to think about your backlinking strategy, as links from other websites is what tells Google that your content is worth promoting.
While these SEO best practices will get you started, you don’t want to neglect your keywords and backlinks. To properly optimize and grow your website, a knowledgeable eCommerce digital marketing agency may be the smartest way to use your time and money.
Investing in eCommerce PPC
Another important area of your marketing strategy to work on is your PPC, or pay-per-click advertising. This is one of the most effective ways to generate quick traffic and sales for your business, but only if performed correctly.
Platforms like Facebook and Google make it easy to start advertising without really having a plan in place. You can even go into your Facebook page and immediately boost a post, without so much as a second thought or strategy in place for targeting specific kinds of customers or which page of your website is best to send them to.
If you want to make best use of your marketing budget, follow these eCommerce PPC tips:
- Only run ads after performing the necessary audience and keyword research.
- Test your ads with a small budget and then scale them if you see good results.
- Recognize that platforms such as Facebook and Instagram offer opportunities to build brand awareness rather than simply generating traffic and sales.
- Don’t take your customers for granted by making spammy ads. This could result in backlash and negative brand recognition.
- Use PPC campaigns to run promotions rather than trying to drum up hype organically.
- Make sure your website is properly optimized before running ads to it.
Once you understand your audience and have a good idea as to what they are looking for, you can craft ads around their expectations and bring in loads of traffic. With PPC, the most important step is to perform ample research and make sure you are using the best keyword combinations and data points. This can be a lengthy process but it is well worth the time investment because it will result in better conversions for your ads.
Work on Your Email Marketing Efforts
Another way to improve your Volusion marketing strategy is through a well-implemented email campaign. In eCommerce, creating a loyal subscriber list is a big money-maker, but needs to handled with care in order to get decent returns.
One point with this is to make it as easy as possible for users to sign up for your email list. While you don’t want to spam them with annoying pop-ups asking for sign-ups, you also don’t want to be too ambiguous when it comes to getting people on your list. Make it clear throughout your website how to join, with attractive buttons or forms placed in your footer, sidebars, blog posts, and anywhere else you deem appropriate.
The next most important point to remember is to never take your email list for granted. Provide them with as much value as possible and only sell to them when it really matters. Think about sending email blasts when you are running specific promotions and during holidays when you are running sales. You also want to make sure your emails look inviting and don’t send off any red flags or wind up getting caught in spam filters. A skilled eCommerce marketing agency can help you avoid these issues and manage your email marketing campaign effectively if this is something that you want to pursue.
Don’t Forget About eCommerce Influencer Marketing
If your Volusion website could use a little more attention and you are wondering what else you can do beyond the usual tactics, you might want to consider hiring an influencer. If your store has any kind of Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok presence, this is one avenue you certainly should investigate.

Influencers can be a powerful way to connect with your audience by relating to them on a personal level. For Volusion store owners, this can be a powerful tactic to edge out your competitors.
One of the reasons why influencers are worth the investment is because of how relatable they are. A properly managed influencer campaign doesn’t come across as stilted or salesy, and will help make your brand more relatable and engaging. Very often, the product or service that you are choosing to promote runs second to the side-effect of better brand appeal that often comes with partnering with an influencer.
How do you determine which influencer is right for your store? This requires a bit of industry research and exploring social media platforms for someone popular in your niche that is open to building partnerships. There are influencers out there for nearly every conceivable niche, so don’t be afraid to ask if someone would be willing to promote your product. Just make sure that they have something to bring to the table and an active following that matches your typical audience in terms of age, buying habits, and general needs.
Selecting the Right Volusion Agency For Your Marketing Campaign
Your Volusion marketing strategy isn’t going to build itself, nor will you be able to handle everything by yourself unless you happen to have a load of free time on your hands. We’re betting that this is not the case if you operate an eCommerce business, so the best decision you could make in order to grow your store is to invest in a qualified marketing agency.
Our mission here at Genius eCommerce® is to help store owners just like you promote their businesses, sell more products, and get the recognition they deserve. Through data-driven marketing strategies, we help Volusion stores grow and exceed expectations. From powerful SEO plans that cover everything from backlinking to blog writing, to sophisticated PPC campaigns that are designed to drive better-qualified traffic to your hottest offers, we are an eCommerce marketing company that knows exactly how to promote your business and get you where you want to be.
Interested in growing your Volusion store with us? Give our team a call at 888.982.8269 and we will work with you to create a custom marketing plan that will transform your website and put these best practices into action.